Welcome to Kids OT Brisbane!!

I’m Brendan Bolton, an Occupational Therapist based in the beautiful Samford Valley.

I want to share a bit about myself because the relationship between the client, their family and the OT should be open, honest and transparent.

A bit about me:

I grew up in beautiful Far North Queensland, I’m a Dad, husband and youngest of 7 children, so I understand what it’s like to deal with family dynamics and lots of different personalities.

Back in my day, children weren’t diagnosed like they are now, and I was labelled the ‘naughty/difficult kid,’ as I struggled to sit still for more than 30 seconds….. sound familiar?

 As an adult, I was diagnosed with ADHD, and my years of behaviour started to make sense.

This was great because I could finally understand my habits and behaviour and then get some advice on making some positive changes in my life.

Understanding what drove my behaviour my issues also helped remove some of that ‘parent guilt’ around how I dealt with my kids and their issues…. sound familiar??

I’m sharing this with you as I understand some of the challenges in parenting children with additional needs. 

It’s a challenging and constantly evolving job, and sometimes support and advice from an experienced and relatable person can make a massive difference. 

I’ve spent the last 20 years in the education/training and health industries, teaching all over Australia, from prep to people in their 70’s, in special needs schools, TAFE and International Colleges. 

So I know firsthand the challenges and expectations that schools have around dealing with children who don’t ‘fit in the box.’

My experience as a Life Coach and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner also helped me successfully run Mental Health workshops in High Schools. These focused on building resilience around anxiety, depression and developing a lifelong positive body image.

So I’ve heard firsthand the perspectives of kids and the pressure they feel from school/family/society/social media to ‘fit inside a box’ themselves.

What I do:

I’m very proud to offer Occupational Therapy with a difference. 

I love offering the child and the parent a relaxed, fun environment to engage and learn in during therapy.

I have a ‘Traditional’ Therapy room and I also offer a farm walk where we see lots of animals and connect with nature.

Some OT’S focus just on the child, but I believe that there are times the parent/caregiver may also need advice or support, which is a normal part of parenting a neurodiverse child. (This is just a fancy way to describe how some people’s brains are wired differently from others.)

The beauty about what I offer is we can have those conversations in a relaxed environment while your child has a safe space to play while we talk.

So I get the opportunity to observe your child during play therapy while gaining an understanding of what’s happening outside of the therapy room / session.

This helps the child, the parent/caregiver and the whole family unit. 

I’m not in your home 24/7, so it’s the parent that needs to learn steps and strategies to make the home environment work in the way you want it to……or when you’re out shopping and the massive meltdown occurs out of nowhere…… and you can feel your brain begin to explode because of the stress…. (No judgement here, as I’ve been that soldier….)

I also offer Telehealth to both the child and the parent/caregiver, as many clients find the convenience a bonus to avoid travel time (and sometimes preparing a child to get dressed and ready to travel can be an added struggle for the family).  

My clinic is based in beautiful Samford Valley, on my acreage, where you can unwind in the tranquillity of nature.

To book your sessions, please click the button below.

I look forward to working with you.

Best Wishes

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